Equipment for the Serious Amateur Astronomer
- 4-element 0.65x ED Super Reducer is optimized
for digital imagers and covers a full 35mm-sized
- Built-in filter holders as well as a camera rotator
- Compatible with Takahashi and Vixen refractors
- 0.85x reducer which covers 35mm full format
- Optimized for 500mm to 800mm focal length
- Achieves very flat illumination
- Compatible with Takahashi and Vixen refractors
- 0.85x reducer for Mini Borg series
- Effective image circle is 35mm diameter
- Good match with Takahashi FS-60C
- Extends focal length by 1.4x
- Optimized for objective focal lengths
between 250mm and 800mm
- Specifically designed to minimize internal
reflections when photographing bright objects
such as the moon, sun, or solar eclipse
7887 0.85x Reducer/Flattener
7885 0.85x Reducer/Flattener S
7214 1.4x Teleconverter
7704 ED F4 Super Reducer/Flattener
Copyright ©1999-2007 by Hutech Corporation and ScienceCenter.Net
7866 0.66x Reducer/Flattener DX
- 0.66x triplet super reducer incorporating
special high index of refraction element
- Optimized for 250mm to 500mm focal length
- Long back focus - 73mm
- Effective image circle is 30mm diameter
- Good match with Takahashi FS-60C